Our Offerings
We are making a statement and making a stand for openness, and the power of healing in a community with likeminded people.
Our holistic healing techniques are rooted in an understanding of the human energy system and guided intuition. Each person who comes to Omziel Healing Sanctuary for a guided healing session receives exactly what they need.
We are all instruments of the Higher Power that created and works through us. We are all able to perceive and access the universal energy of Source in our own ways. The Omziel Healing Sanctuary seeks to help you develop your capacities to do so. With our years of training, we are able to hold space for others to practice and develop physically, emotionally, or spiritually in a safe and effective manner. Allow us to help you recall your true nature and realign with your highest potential.
Do you know what is in your unfolding? Are you uncovering the energy, clarity, and drive necessary for your fullest expression. Here is what we have for you:
Cold Water Plunge Sessions
Breathwork Workshops
Sound Healing
Medicinal Therapy Consultation and Facilitation
Retreats; Men only and Co-Ed
Spiritual Ceremonies
Yoga & Meditation Classes
Hosting people for short stays
Space Rentals
Creating & Leading personal ceremonies
Outing, Documentary Screenings, Round-table Discussions
And so much more

Explore our upcoming events.
Find out more information about some of our upcoming in-person gatherings below.